[New Features on beginr] Automatically generate a self-contained package

By Peng Zhao | January 26, 2019

Most R beginners think that developing an R package is a mission impossible. It is not true. With the new function packr() , users can create a user-defined useful R packages easily. They can specify in packr()a group of packages (e.g. foo_1, foo_2, foo_x) which they often use and the new package name, say foobar, then a new package called foobar will be generated.

When loading the foobar function, the package group, i.e. foo_1, foo_2, and foo_x are loaded simultaneously. Moreover, a few functions are available in the foobar package , which are well documented in the help. Briefly speaking, these functions can update the package group to the latest versions, check the conflicts with other loaded packages, list the dependencies, and so on. The user can share the foobar package to friends or the community as well.

The core codes of packr() are written in R/packr.R, which calls multiple scripts and templates in inst/skeleton.

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