
rmd: Easily Install, Load and Explore the R Markdown Family

Since 'rmarkdown' and 'knitr', more and more members (rticles, bookdown, mindr...) have been joining the R Markdown family. Users can write elegant reproducible documents, manuscripts, dissertations, books, blog posts, posters, and slides within the framework of R markdown. It is exciting, while the installation and maintenance becomes annoying. In the meanwhile, there are plenty of useful RStudio addins, which equip the RStudio IDE as a powerful markdown editor. However, these little tools are often hidden somewhere deep in the community, and it is difficult to dig them out.

With 'rmd' you can easily explore, install, and load them for both R users and non-users. Furthermore, 'rmd' provides a RStudio addin to explore the R Markdown family and install them with a single click.

Forget R, and enjoy the wonderful world of R Markdown.

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A template for Copernicus academic journals

Write academic papers of Copernicus journals with R markdown syntax.

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中文段首加空格和增加段落间距 (steemit markdown)

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown  有朋友在 steemit 的 cn-reader 的微信群里问了一个 markdown 中文排版的问题:如何为中文段首增加空格,以及改变段落间的间距。这个简单:使用中文的全角空格。   一般的中文输入法都有上述设置界面。点一下弯月符号(或快捷键shift+空格)就变成满月,这就是全角。此时按空格键,就会输入一个汉字宽度的空白。所以,段首输入两个全角空白就行了。  不过,如果是紧跟在非普通文本(全文第一段,插图,代码等)后面,这种方法会失效,那么可以在全角空格前面加上个<br>就行了。  一般来说,在markdown编辑器里输入全角空格后再换行,就会多插入一行空白。下面我们用这种方法输入一行空白。    但连续几个空行 steemit 就不支持了。那么可以输入: <br> 也同样是插入一个空行。输入几个<br>就插入几个空行。下面,我们插入两个空行。  <br>其实是 html 语言的代码。“全角空格”是html界的魔法占位符。善用“全角空格”这个小魔法,就可以实现诸如 对 齐 等其他功能。  要想使用复杂的格式,就需要复杂的命令或按钮来排版,容易偏离对内容的关注。而 steemit 使用的 markdown 语法,在内容和形式之间达到了最微妙的平衡,让你用最简单的指令,实现日常99%以上的排版需求。  不过,markdown 也尊重其他1%用户的特殊需求。原则上,markdown 支持 html,所以,要想对你的帖子的格式进行复杂排版,那么就学习 html 吧,少年!  中文段首空格原本是用来印刷时方便划分自然段的。在网络时代,自然段完全可以通过段落间距看得出来,所以段首空格丧失了原本的意义。不过,作为对纸质书和印刷时代的怀念,用一下段首空格,不失为一种情怀吧。

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R package bookdownplus 1.0.2 released on CRAN

bookdownplus is an extension of bookdown. More enhancements. Less operation.

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LaTeX equations in micrometeorology

Right click your mouse on an equation in this post - Show Math As - TeX Commands, and I get the LaTeX code of the equation immediately.

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bookdownplus: an R package for writing Articles, Mails, Guitar Chords, Chemical Molecular Formulae and Equations with R bookdown

`R bookdownplus` extends the features of `bookdown`, and simplifies the procedure. Users only have to choose a template, clarify the book title and author name, and then focus on writing the text. No need to struggle in YAML and LaTeX.

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R bookdown cheatsheet

A summary of R bookdown usage and syntax.

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