
rmd: Easily Install, Load and Explore the R Markdown Family

Since 'rmarkdown' and 'knitr', more and more members (rticles, bookdown, mindr...) have been joining the R Markdown family. Users can write elegant reproducible documents, manuscripts, dissertations, books, blog posts, posters, and slides within the framework of R markdown. It is exciting, while the installation and maintenance becomes annoying. In the meanwhile, there are plenty of useful RStudio addins, which equip the RStudio IDE as a powerful markdown editor. However, these little tools are often hidden somewhere deep in the community, and it is difficult to dig them out.

With 'rmd' you can easily explore, install, and load them for both R users and non-users. Furthermore, 'rmd' provides a RStudio addin to explore the R Markdown family and install them with a single click.

Forget R, and enjoy the wonderful world of R Markdown.

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