[New Features on steemr] Functions for a user friendly UI as an interactive follower report!

By Peng Zhao | July 10, 2018

A new functionsfollow() displays a Shiny app, which is a user friendly interactive UI as a follower report.

Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. It is very easy to use even for non-R users. The single command sfollow() displays a webpage, on which the users just has to type an ID, and then a follower report will appear, with (1) a list of the 'followers but not following', (2) 'following but not followers', (3) a table of the followers' information, and (4) a table of the following information. The users can easily filter or order each column.


Part 1 of @ned's follower report produced by sfollow().


Part 4 of @ned's follower report produced by sfollow().

How did I implement them?

I added the new function sfollow() in 'R/shiny.r', as well as the internal functions sfollow_ui() and sfollow_server() which are the UI function and server function for sfollow(). Each part of the functions are well documented. Other files were updated automatically by compilation.

Link to relevant lines in the code on GitHub can be found mainly in my latest commit (click to see the details):

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