
bookdownplus gallery: a web app for displaying and sharing bookdown templates

Many years ago, I collected some LaTeX templates when learning LaTeX. However, my interest in LaTeX was gone after submitting my PhD dissertation. I should have deleted these templates if they had not been so small. They would never be useful in the future, I thought.

In 2017, I started writing the book Learning R: R for Rookies . Unexpectedly, MS Word could not satisfy me with the typesetting. You know what I mean if you have experience (and pain) in writing a long book or dissertation with Word. Actually I suffered more, but I do not want to talk about it. I was sure that LaTeX could, but I would rather not use it.

Like a bolt out of the blue, I found bookdown.

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[New Features on steemr] Display all the posts of a give Steemian with statistics, and get the utopian review and upvote plan!

  • A new functionsposts() displays a Shiny app, which is a user friendly interactive UI to show all the posts of a give Steemian's ID. Analysis diagrams are plotted as well, including the distribution of the post payout and votes, the active hour of the Steemian's posting, and the time series of the growth of the cumulative post number, payout, and votes.

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[New Features on steemr] Diagrams in the Shiny app for the statistics of the Steem CN community!

I added diagrams into the Shiny app scner(). These diagrams include the word clouds of the Steemians of the CN community, as well as the histograms for the distributions according to the ESP, account value, online-days, etc..

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[New Features on steemr] A Shiny app for the statistics of the Steem CN community!

A new functionscner() displays a Shiny app, which is a user friendly interactive UI for the statistics of a group of Steemians, hereby those who are active in the CN community. It has the potential to be used for other groups of Steemians with some simple modifications to this function.

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A template for Copernicus academic journals

Write academic papers of Copernicus journals with R markdown syntax.

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[New Features on steemr] Diagrams in the follower shiny app!

A comment by the moderator mentioned that the wordings of both 'followers but not following', 'following but not followers' are confusing. Although they are the official callings that I cannot change, a diagram could help. Therefore, I added a Venn diagram into the sfollow()shiny app.

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[New Features on steemr] Functions for a user friendly UI as an interactive follower report!

A new functionsfollow() displays a Shiny app, which is a user friendly interactive UI as a follower report.

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[New Features on steemr] Functions for delegation report and CNer report!

What features did I add?

  • The new functiongspmv() retrieves the value of Steem per MVests from the server.

  • The new functiongdelegation() retrieves the delegation data from the server, makes a summary, and plot a time series automatically.

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[New Features on steemr] Functions for saving the posts and building an independent blog site!

  • Do you want to backup your Steem posts in a local disk? The new functionbmd() (build markdown files) saves the posts in the local path as markdown files easily.

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[New Features on steemr] Functions for accounts and comments report!

What features did I add?

New functions were added to the steemr pakcage, which now can retrieve the account data and the comment data and plot diagrams automatically.

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